Event Details

Have you attended a GRACRE event recently and looked around the room and realized how many new or unfamiliar faces there are? You are not alone!

We have experienced exciting growth over the past year and would like to offer a fun way to get acquainted with those members you don't know โ€ฆ or those you'd like to know more about.

Join fellow GRACRE members and potential members for our first-ever round of speed networking! Peter Larsen will lead us through an exciting hour of unique, structured networking which will be capped at 75 people so as to really maximize your time. See you there!

Schedule for this event:

4:00 to 4:30 โ€“ Registration

4:30 to 5:30 โ€“ Speed Networking

5:30 to 6:00 โ€“Wrap up and evening ends


  • Peter Larsen (Sales pro at Cobb Technologies)

    Peter Larsen

    Sales pro at Cobb Technologies

    Our Speed Networking event will be organized and led by your very own "Peter the Greeter!"

    view more


Connect with 62 people attending this event


Standard Registration
Standard Price $35


Jepson Alumni Center

University of Richmond
442 Westhampton Way

Richmond, Virginia

If you have any questions please contact Veronika Warren

Contact Organizer

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